After contracting a laundry list of viruses, my computer kicked the bucket. Now, having consulted the geek squad and doing a bit of resurrecting on my own, the trusty computer is just about back to normal. Phew. Currently it is my lifeline (my only radio, communication with friends, trip planning, papers for work etc), so it's tough when it's not working.
Here's the latest.
-All details are set through the Azores, Madeira and southern Portugal.
-I want to going to Morocco after visiting friends in Sevilla
-I will probably buy a cell phone in Europe, making it easier to stay in touch
-I am looking into a universal health care/traveler's insurance
-I have a few students from Belgium, so it has made it's way onto the list of places to go
Questions to you experienced travelers out there:
Any good traveler's health insurance companies?
Any experience in Morocco? Where (not) to go?
Where were your favorite places of memory in Europe?