Monday, July 4, 2011


With my upcoming journey, I have gotten a few requests to restart the blog.  Finally this prompted me to call it up again, for the first time in over a year.  Reading over the pages brought back great memories, but also brought home the fact that the mission of the blog doesn't hold true anymore.  I decided that at this point I would "retire" my old mission.  It once read:

"Welcome to my blog!
For those of you who haven't been on board since the beginning, here is a background summary explaining this vain endeavor that is my trip blog.

I have been teaching Boston public school for the last five years, but after a challenging year, and a devastating injury and surgery on my knee, I have made a total change. I quit my job, bought a one way ticket to Portugal, and started saving money for a trip around the world for an undetermined amount of time. With no car, home or family of my own tying me down, I am free to travel as long as I can sustain it. Only time will tell just how long that is. Through a combination of volunteering, farm work, staying with friends, and teaching English, I hope to last at least a couple years.
Come along for the ride!

I want to capture this, to commemorate what it once meant, but yet move on to bigger fish. 

1 comment:

JimC said...

Journey? What journey? Where are you off to now?

The map indicates that you are nearby. I live in Center Conway, NH.

Who am I? I am your Dad's cousin Jim.

I have followed your BLOG with great interest. Just as I do with my daughter, Jaimie's BLOG.